Amid rising discrimination complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency is holding a hearing Wednesday on bias against people with caregiving duties. 平等就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)收到的歧视投诉越来越多,该机构最近举行了听证会,内容是关于对护理人员的歧视。
The fees and settlement method for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods; (五)代销、包销的费用和结算办法;
Types, quantity, monetary amount, and issue price of the stocks underwritten on the commission and sole agency methods; (二)代销、包销证券的种类、数量、金额及发行价格;
The duration, including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods; 代销、包销的期限及起止日期;
Also on Friday, the International Trade Commission, a quasi-judicial federal agency that can block imports of foreign-made goods, is expected to issue a ruling on whether Samsung infringed several different Apple patents. 同样是在周五,预计美国国际贸易委员会(InternationalTradeCommission)将就三星是否侵犯了苹果多项专利做出裁决。该联邦机构具有准司法机构性质,能够下令禁止外国产品的进口。
Third, any commission or agency involved in budget making on which both legislators and members of the executive branch serve as voting members is unconstitutional. 第三,当由立法院成员和执法部门成员作为(预算案)投票成员时,涉及这些成员参与制定预算案的任何委托或代理行为,都是违宪的。
China's drug prices should be regulated from the functions of the National Development and Reform Commission's price monitoring agency to transfer the State Food and Drug Administration. 我国应将药品价格监管的职能从国家发改委内设的价格监管机构移交至国家食品药品监督管理局。
A new center that will coordinate co-operation was also announced by the European Commission, the European Space Agency ( ESA) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology not long ago. 不久前,欧洲贸易委员会、欧洲航天局和中国科技部还宣称将建立一个新的中心来协助合作。
The Federal Election Commission is an independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing federal campaign finance law. 联邦选举委员会是一个独立的监管机构,负责管理和执行联邦竞选财务法。
Wang Xiaoguang, a researcher at a think-tank attached to the national development and Reform Commission, the chief planning agency, said rises in investment with the political cycle were a form of "structural overheating". 中国主要经济规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)下属智囊机构研究员王小广表示,伴随政治周期出现的投资增长是“结构性过热”的一种形式。
The Planning Commission, the government agency responsible for the country's Five-Year Plans, has pledged to spend more on health in the next plan, which begins next year. 规划委员会是负责联邦预算的政府机构,该委员会已承诺在明年开始的下一个五年计划中加大对卫生的投入。
The national development and Reform Commission, a central planning agency, controls enterprise bonds, which are issued by state-owned companies. 中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)控制着由国有企业发行的企业债。
A recent paper by three economists from the International Trade Commission, a federal agency, calculates that 39 per cent of the jobs supported by goods exports are actually in service companies. 联邦机构国际贸易委员会(internationaltradecommission)3位经济学家最近发表的一篇论文估计,实际上,在货物出口支持的就业中,39%在服务业。
The shortcomings and legal results of the grant action of commission and agency. 委托代理权的授予行为弊端及其法律后果。
Bringing derivatives under the purview of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and giving the agency the ability to tell exchanges when to raise margin requirements is their prescription. 他们开出的药方是:把衍生品划归商品期货交易委员会(CommodityFuturesTradingCommission,简称CFTC)管辖,并赋予该机构告知交易所何时应提高保证金要求的能力。
Mary Schapiro, chairman of the securities and Exchange Commission, the agency responsible for securities regulation, wrote a letter full of objections. 证券交易委员会(负责监管证券交易的机构)主席玛丽夏皮罗(maryschapiro)写了一封通篇是反对意见的信。
In 1999, China made a new Contract Law of PRC ( which contains the rules of agency contract and commission agency contract) and laid a solid foundation for Foreign Trade Agency System. 新《合同法》针对以往外贸代理立法上的不足和实践中存在的问题,规定了委托合同与行纪合同及其规则,从而为我国外贸代理制的发展奠定了坚实的法律基础。
1.3 To know the support to health service for the vulnerable, including policy strength from related organizations, agencies in communities ( government, street, neighborhood commission, policy agency etc.) 了解外部环境对社区卫生服务尤其是对城市贫困与弱势人群的支持情况:包括政策的支持力度、社区相关机构(政府、街道、居委会、派出所等)支持程度。
However, on the basis of the commission and agency theory, the agency problems become more and more serious due to the different goals between owner and manager, and the information dissymmetry. 而根据委托代理理论,由于所有者与经营者的目标函数不同,信息的不对称,风险偏好以及道德风险的存在,使得企业中的代理问题日益突出。
The implementation of this system can effectively deal with the problem of commission and agency and can do good to the formation of long-term stimulation system in the internal company. 实行股权激励能有效解决公司的委托代理问题,有利于在公司内部形成长期激励机制。
The relation between the agency grant and the commission contract or the agency action; 代理权的授予与委托合同及代理行为的关系;
The Research to Commission-Agency Relationship of the Security Investment Fund 证券投资基金的委托-代理关系研究
On the basis of comparing China's law system with anglo-american law system, the author's opinion about commission agency is shown here. 比较大陆法系与英美法系关于代理的不同规定,借鉴外贸代理制的两种不同观点,从而明确了我们对外贸代理制的看法,即应以合同法为依据,作扩张性理解。
Under this definition, this essay elaborates the relationship of the managerial ownership and the corporate performance from three different angles: the commission and agency theory, the human capital theory and the inspiration theory with its hypothesis. 在这种定义下,文章对管理层股权设置和公司经营绩效之间的关系从委托&代理理论、人力资本理论和激励理论及其假说三个方面进行了详细的理论分析,为实证研究打下理论基础。
By comparing the linear contract under symmetric information with a symmetric information, different parameter's effect on the commission rate, the agency cost and the expected income of the supplier was analyzed. 通过比较在信息对称与信息不对称情况下的线性契约,分析了不同因素对于佣金率、供应商期望收益以及代理成本的影响;
From "Commission"," advertising agency "to" format station "This radio station only after seven years of operation, have taken a good development. 从制播分离、广告代理到类型化广播,这家电台仅仅经过七年的经营,就取了良好的发展空间。
The third part, explain executive stock option encouragement with connection to commission-agency theory from the angles of economics. 第三部分,从经济学的角度解释了经理股票期权激励与委托&代理理论之间的联系。
After a series of research of China Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency, a new pilot began since 2007. 经过保监会和环保总局的一系列的调研、考察后,新的试点工作自2007年开始。